The Role of the Judiciary: Ensuring Fairness and Equality

More than just one part of governance, the Judiciary holds a unique place, it acts as the conscience of the nation, safeguarding justice and equality under the law. Its role as a custodian ensures that constitutional principles and civil liberties are preserved.Judges and courts play a pivotal role in resolving disputes, interpreting laws, and main

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The System of Checks and Balances: Safeguarding Democracy

In a democracy, power is a privilege that must be carefully managed. This is where checks and balances play a crucial role, a safeguard ensuring no single branch of government can dominate the rest. Such a brilliant framework ensures that democracy remains just, open, and strong.Each branch of government—Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary—ha

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The core difference between legislative and judiciary powers

Below is an overview that describes the main branches of government One of the most typical misconceptions is for individuals to refer to the 'government' in such a vague manner. In reality, the government is much more complicated than what it could appear on the outside. For a start, various government divisions have duty for different things, wh

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